InTank® BWTS

+1 (832) 640-9221

What is the InTank®
DeChlor Module?


The Dechlorination Module (DC) is used to mix the dry Sodium Thiosulphate (STS) into solution. STS is added and the module automatically mixes the neutralizing solution. This can be stored and used as needed.

On demand supply

When the Dosing Module (DM) calls for neutralizing solution the DC Module provides it. The DC is used with EC and BC modules of InTank®.

How does the InTank® Dechlorination module work?


During neutralization the dechlorination (DC) module delivers sodium thiosulphate (STS), a reducing agent used to ensure treated water contains no Active Substance when it is discharged.


A major advantage of completing neutralization in the tank before discharge is that the vessel has a record of neutralization before discharge. Today, In-line neutralization is proving to be unreliable, and vessels are often chlorinating the bay as they discharge treated ballast.


Every InTank® installation will have the Dosing Module and the DeChlor module.