InTank® BWTS

+1 (832) 640-9221

InTank® EC – what is it?

The InTank® EC (Electrochlorination) module uses seawater to generate the active substance (Sodium Hypochlorite or bleach) needed for treatment of ballast water. Scienco InTank® offers EC modules of varying Sodium Hypochlorite production capacities, which allow InTank® installations to be tailored to meet the needs and operational profile of individual vessels.

How does the InTank® EC module work?

InTank® EC module works by sending a stream of seawater through its electrochlorination cells, which pass an electrical current through the water to generate Sodium Hypochlorite.

Efficient at Sea

Working when the vessel is at sea means the EC Cell is fed by clean salt water, so it is always working most efficiently with few contaminants to scale or corrode the electrodes. Using sea water to feed the EC Cell means the efficiency of the BWTS is not affected by the salinity of the ballast water itself and unless completing a fresh water only transit there is no need to carry saltwater in the aft peak tank to treat freshwater ballast.

InTank® EC Module Applications:

The EC module is suited to most larger installations, capable of handling ballast water capacity of

200,000 m3

Advantages of the InTank® EC Module

Clean Operation

Utilizing seawater ensures the EC Cell works efficiently with minimal scaling or corrosion.

Space Saving

Compact EC modules make the system suitable for large installations without requiring significant storage for bleach.


Treating at sea using the Concentration Time treatment metric gives a vessel the potential to use small treatment hardware for a large ballast volume because the size of the treatment hardware is not fixed to the size of the ballast pump.


Option to combine with BC module of occasional fast treatment cycles.

Sizing the EC Module

Model No. Rated Production
Capacity (kg/hr)
SW Feed Flow
Required (m3/hr)
Overall Dimensions (m) Dry Weight
Weight (kg)
Length Width Height
EC04 4 2 2.4 1.6 2.0 1,575 1,650
EC08 8 4 2.4 1.6 2.2 1,805 1,928
EC012 12 6 4.1 1.6 2.0 2,275 2,542
EC016 16 8 4.1 1.6 2.0 2,367 2,738